Kenny Rogers as The Gambler: The Adventure Continues


Ocenění 1

  • Ceny Emmy

    • Nominace

      Outstanding Film Sound Editing for a Limited Series or a Special

      Bill Wistrom, Sam Black, Doug Gray, Mace Matiosian, Bill Thiederman, David A. Whittaker, John Mick, Ron Tinsley, Alex Bamattre, Chick Camera, Lee Chaney, Larry Kaufman, Sid Lubow, Ralph Sandler, Corinne Sessarego, Jay Alfred Smith, Mark Southern, Terry Chambers, Anthony Magro, James Troutman, David D. Caldwell, Russ Hill, Chris Jargo, Richard Raderman, Dan Thomas, Tally Paulos, Steve Livingston, Tom Carlin, Christopher T. Welch, John Kline, Dino Dimuro, Bill Jackson, William L. Manger, Brian Courcier, Joseph A. Mayer, (Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS))